Set in New York City, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt, the action-comedy film Wolfs tells the story of two fixers who, in any other situation, would operate as lone wolves. However, a problem that needs fixing ends up bringing the two of them together. The film premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival, had a limited theatrical release and, just a few weeks later, became available to watch on Apple TV+. Fans of the movie want the Wolfs ending explained. 

Spoiler Alert: It Starts With a Drug Delivery Gone Wrong 

A woman in the film went home with a man who she believes died during their time together. The fixers are called, and that’s where the chaos begins. By the time that Margaret’s Man (played by Clooney) and Pam’s Man (played by Pitt) get to him, he wakes up from the dead. It turns out that he never passed away. Before he wakes, though, Margaret’s Man and Pam’s Man find four bags of drugs in his backpack. They decide to help him, a substitute drug mule doing a friend a favor, get the drugs to their designated owner. While making a pit stop to the bar where the drug mule needs to pick up a beeper, they run into a former boss. The violent, Croatian criminal would become the first of many signs that something is more wrong than a drug delivery gone awry. 

A Gang War (With an Old Boss)

The trio collects the beeper, which holds the address of the drop-off location, heads in that direction and notices that they’ve been followed by Croatian mobsters. Confused by the Croatian gang arriving, the crew already at the drop-off site opens fire and the gangsters kill each other. Left behind are the fixers and their new friend. Only the two cleaners and their new friend remain. The fixers drop their new friend off at home and agree to reconnect in the morning. True to their word, the morning comes and the  trio reunites, only to discover that there was a tracker in one of the drug packages. The fixers put their heads together to begin narrowing down the details of the situation and the probable culprits. 

‘Wolfs’ Ending Explained: The Wolves Finish the Job as Friends in a Shoot-Out 

Margaret’s Man and Pam’s Man determine that it was a setup from the start. The shoot-out was always a part of the plan despite other details. In their line of work, knowing the slightest bit makes someone a liability. And since the gangsters killed each other, leaving behind the fixers and the mule, they would be up next. But who was responsible? Was it a member of law enforcement that Margaret’s Man knows who dabbles in a bit of illegal activity? In reviewing the details, they’ve distracted themselves from a getaway, allowing the hitmen assigned to them to corner them. A shootout ensues although it isn’t revealed whether the fixers or their mule make it out alive. Fans suspect that this could leave room for a Wolfs 2.