Erykah Badu surprised Malcolm X High School in Newark, NJ by dropping by during their lunch hour to sing her debut single “On & On”. But that wasn’t the only surprise she had in store for Monday.
When she returned to her Twitter feed, she had a word to share on sexual natures.
There was an article ruling that high school girls lower their skirts so male teachers are not distracted. I agreed because…
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
…I am aware that we live in a sex l-driven society. It is everyone’s, male and female’s, responsibility to protect young ladies…
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
…one way to protect youth is to remind them we are all sexual in nature and as they grow and develop it is natural to attract men…
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
Badu went on to say that it’s natural for men to be attracted and aroused by girls of child-bearing age, but that it’s not the fault of these girls for being beautiful. However, men should be responsible and taught not to prey on these young women. And instead called for greater awareness of these energies when it comes to how we carry ourselves in each other’s presence.
…I want my daughters to understand this. I want them to be themselves and wear what they like, yet be aware. Not ignore our differences…
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
And drew many face palms for her would-be dress code
…if I had a school I would make sure that the uniform skirt length was a nice knee length… It is fair to everyone…
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
But remained on message
…But do I think it is unnatural for a heterosexual male 2b attracted to a young woman in a revealing skirt? No. I think it is his nature..
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
..Consequently, we must all be aware and responsible.
We must protect our young women. We must teach our young men…— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
…young women you are beautiful. Young men you are beautiful. Protect one another.
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) April 12, 2016
And then dropped this word

No doubt her mentions are still going on & on

And folks were on mute mode because they weren’t prepared to add to their list of problematic faves.

Some people tried to make sense of it…tried.
We can’t control men. All we can really do is our best to protect our selves and our daughters. I think THATS was Erykah was Tryna say.
— Quan Chii (@kissmeQuan) April 12, 2016
Ohana… means everybody in the human family can get the business!
Nobody deified no damn Erykah Badu. She getting the business like anyone else because she is anyone else.
— Thugga Gooding, Jr. (@DearLeader10) April 12, 2016
And some folks just disowned Erykah and any adjectives agreeing with her. This was a bit harsh, sis.
The onus is always on girls/woman no matter the situation & I’m over it. If you’re a female, yes female consigning Erykah Badu then fcuk you
— NaijaGal (@Naija4LifeO) April 12, 2016
And somebody’s momma weighed in with this word
my mom’s take on erykah’s tweets rn
— Lavish Lee (@hdssuh) April 12, 2016
Finally some facts in the mayhem.
Your #MCM supports Erykah Badu’s views on how women should dress. #ErykahBadu
— ℕUFF$AID (@nuffsaidNY) April 12, 2016
And naturally, some people didn’t get it…naturally.
Told underage chicks to stop dressing like hoes RT @JayZOverrated: wait what erykah badu did? lmfao
— Uncle Wayne. (@WayneL_Jr) April 12, 2016
But will balance be restored?
Exactly RT @Fancy_Free_: y’all are undermining Erykah’s message.. she addressed BOTH parties. Both.
— MJ (@ItsMJ254) April 12, 2016
So…what do you think of this all? Share your thoughts below!