It’s the one phone call no pro-athlete wants to receive.

Okay, maybe not that call. The most dreaded news for a high profile player is that they’ve been cut from the team. Aside from their fire plays on the court this season, a few Golden State Warriors players pulled a pretty convincing pre-April Fool’s joke on fellow teammate, Festus Ezeli. Andre Iguodala led the charge with the help of carsharing service, Lyft and radio hosts Brian Murphy and Paul McCaffrey from the “Murph & Mac” show.
He took the fake news better than expected.

Luckily Festus has a great sense of humor.
That was cold blooded. Love this team anyway. Kinda mad I wasted the cake. Should I kick @andre‘s A$& for that??
— Festus Ezeli (@festus) March 31, 2016