
According to Algerian newspaper l’ (can I just say how much I love that I can access any newspaper from almost anywhere in the world, on the web, even though they aren’t always in a language I understand)… 

But according to Algerian newspaper l’, what is being called the first Algerian martial arts film, is currently in production in Oran, Algerian.

Thanks to Google’s translation from French to English, here’s what I was able to learn about the project:

– French director Jean-Marc Mineo is helming the film, which is titled Algeria Forever.

– It’ll star Algerian actors Ahmed Benaissa, Mourad Khan and Bahia Rachedi, as well as French singer Lorie, and Algerian comedian Smaïn.

– And here’s where it gets even more interesting: Mike Tyson has also booked a role in the film, although I couldn’t determine what exactly that role is.

Algeria Forever will center on a plot against modern-day Algeria. A supporter of the OAS, the French paramilitary organization that sought to keep Algeria under French rule, instead of allowing for its independence, sets up base in Oran, with plans to acquire all the necessary resources needed for an armed and dangerous strike against the country and its people.

But the group has to get through a secret agent, who happens to be a martial arts specialist, who will do whatever it takes to defend Algeria, as well as destroy this scheming organization.

Director Mineo says, no CGI work in this one, as they plan to rely almost entirely on real stunt work and the actors will all be well-trained in martial arts and weapons handling.

He also plans to not only cast primarily Algerians, but the project is an all-Algerian production behind the scenes. 

Mineo’s last film was a 2011 martial arts actioner titled Bangkok Revenge, which is available on home video here in the USA, so if you’d like to check out his previous work, you can. It’s also the only other feature film he’s directed. He’s an actor as well.

This film is aimed for a 2014 theatrical release, is produced by Zakaria Ramdane of Access V Production based in Oran, and is promising 130 minutes on-screen greatness. 

As for Tyson, the 47 year old is expected to be in Oran in September, to shoot his scenes. 

This should be interesting. And now that I’m aware of it, I’ll be tracking it from here-on, and will post updates as I have them.