Going away to college is one of the biggest life decisions you’ll ever make. It’s the first time that most of you will be living on your own, sharing your space with strangers, supporting yourself and (hopefully) making smart decisions. But there’s levels to this.

We asked Steve Orisakwe what inspired the Twitter thread below that bestowed so many words of wisdom on the class of 2020. He mentioned freshmen followers who were persistent with questions about classes, dating and most importantly, managing their money. “I know how critical advice and basic college knowledge is going into the year as a 17, 18-year-old young adult,” he said.

And honestly, truly, no one goes away to school knowing all there is to know about how to navigate through their freshman year. But leave it to Orisakwe to come through with this grade-A Twitter thread:

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Let the church say amen.

Get excited about college by learning more about your school.

Participating in freshmen week is a tradition…

But more importantly don’t lose sight of what you came to college for in the first place, to continue your academic career.

Get in the habit of checking your email…

Come to classes prepared…

And take classes seriously, at least for the first week or two.

Ask around about the classes you signed up for…

Build a good relationship with your professors…

And classmates.

But don’t make a habit of not attending classes.

Build a solid study group, and I’d suggest downloading GroupMe

But when it comes to group projects, there are no friends.

And while we’re on the topic of making friends…

It’s college, don’t try too hard…

The same can be said when it comes to cuffing season, trust…

For all the guys recruiting for the team…

And the girls who came to college to find their husband…

But truly, honestly…

And when it comes to funds…


We asked Orisakwe what the best piece of advice was that he’d received from an upperclassman when he was a freshman, to which he responded, “preparation is the key to success, and if you want something done on a college campus you have to get it done yourself.” These are wise words to which the young entrepreneur and marketing guru can attribute his success for many years to come.

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