
The African Diaspora International Film Festival kicks off its 2011 festivities next week Friday, November 25th, right here in New York City, and I'll be covering it.

We've already highlighted a few scheduled titles, including Menelik Shabazz's opening night film, The Story Of Lover's Rock, which highlights the style of music (Lover's Rock, aka "romantic reggae"), and the generation that fostered its rise in 1970s/80s UK; and I'll be profiling other festival films in coming days, leading up to day 1 next week.

Tickets are NOW available for purchase, at a variety of price points, which you can see and buy for yourselves by clicking HERE.

OR, if you're lucky, you might be 1 of 2 S&A readers who wins a premium VAP (Very Artsy Person) pass to the festival, that grants you full access to all festival events – screenings (including both opening and closing night ceremonies), receptions, panel discussions, and more.

The festival has provided 2 VAP passes to the festival for S&A to give away – each of these passes is worth $250! To put yourself in a position to win 1 of them, all you have to do is answer 3 rather simple questions about the festival.

The questions are:

1. Name the husband and wife team who run the festival.

2. The 2011 installment of the festival will mark what number of years since the festival began (as in, is this the 10th year? 20th year? 100th year? etc).

3. The couple also run a film distribution arm to the festival. What is the name of their film distribution company? 

Again, 3 EASY answers, if you've been paying attention; and even if you haven't, Google is your friend 🙂

Email your answers to me at [email protected]. You have until 11:59PM EST TONIGHT, Tuesday, November 22nd. Afterward, sometime on Wednesday, November 23, I'll post the 2 winners, randomly-selected from all correct responses.

For the festival's full lineup of screenings and other events, days, times and locations, click HERE.

Let the games begin…!