Although long distance can be the worst, it does give us the opportunity to be creative! I recently shared what tools are needed to prepare for a long distance relationship and the worst parts of dating across borders. This final piece offers some ideas for staying connected that my boyfriend and I have tried, as well as long distance power couple Natasha and Brian. I checked in with the pair to see what ideas they had for connecting across cities, states, or countries with your special person.
snail mail wins
My boyfriend and I decided to take it old school and hand write letters to each other whenever we can. In the cutest date idea ever, Brian sent Natasha a package with a Starbucks gift card and a schedule with instructions. After she followed the instructions and made it to Starbucks, Brian was in his local Starbucks waiting on her for their date. Take the chance to do things the other person would like; speak to their love language.
Movie dates with a twist
Movie dates are always fun, especially when you each grab a bottle of wine. As my beau says, when you can sync up Netflix, you have mastered long-distance dating. Natasha recommends an easier method: The site allows you to play movies (some free, some paid) and YouTube videos at the same time while seeing your partner.

apps for pairs
The Couple app is free and is a great way to have a private message center for just the two of you. You can do simultaneous drawing, send each other videos and pictures, make “thumbkisses” and even locate each other — be careful with this one, it shows you moving. In the unfortunate event that you break up, you and your partner will unpair on the app, along with all your pictures and videos. If you pair up again, your moments will return.
Similar free apps include Avocado and Between. With all three apps, you can create lists and calendars to share special events in your lives. Between offers in-app purchases like stickers to share moments without saying a word.
creative connections
Both Brian and Natasha suggest playing games like Chess with Friends or Hanging with Friends to stay in contact throughout the day. My boyfriend and I tag each other in (and sometimes create) memes all day. Once I learned how to make GIFs, I sent those too.
The most important thing is keeping those lines of communication open, just to let the person know you are still there and that you miss them. There is nothing better than randomly receiving a picture or message from your significant other. It makes it that much easier to love them (and miss them).
If you are in the Atlanta area, check out Natasha’s Date Gifting and Grow With Me life-coaching services.
Many thanks to Natasha and Brian for contributing to this piece with their time and honesty.
If you missed part one or two of this series, check them out here.
Did you try one of these ideas? let us know in the comments below!