
Henry Simmons has joined the growing cast of producer Will Packer's thriller, No Good Deed, which stars Idris Elba and Taraji P. Henson, currently already in production in Atlanta, GA.

As previously noted, the story follows a former District Attorney, and mother of 2 young children, who are kidnapped and terrorized by a handsome but mysterious stranger, who she lets into their home to wait for help, after his car runs off the road nearby.

Henson plays the woman; Idris, the mysterious handsome stranger; and the newly cast Simmons will play Henson's husband, a businessman.

I suppose we can assume that he isn't around when this kidnapping happens. 

I've got to give it to Will Packer for knowing his audience. It may not even be intentional, but if you consider the last few projects he's produced, Think Like A Man, Takers, and now No Good Deed, I'd say they all have been magnets for an audience that's heavily black and female. Yes, even Takers, an action-oriented heist flick. The starring cast should tell you something 🙂

Think Like A Man was based on a best-selling book that was already targeted at women, so the film drew an audience that was also heavily female (not that guys didn't see those 2 films as well; we certainly did). 

And now we have No Good Deed; yes Idris is a dude that a lot of regular dudes respect, and maybe would even like to be. But put Idris and Henry Simmons in a movie together, and watch all (ok, maybe not all, but many of) the women swoon.

Am I right, or am I right ladies? 🙂

It's also worth mentioning that this is a story that looks to be centered around the woman protagonist played by Taraji P. Henson; I'm sure Simmons will have some presence as her husband, but I'm going to guess that, in the end, it'll come down to Taraji's character doing whatever she has to do to get herself (and her children) out of the potentially fatal situation she finds herself in, as terrorized hostages to Idris' character.

Of course there could be some twist to all this that we don't know about yet. But I'll stop with all the speculating, and just wait for the movie to come out 🙂

If you recall my conversation with Will Packer last week, he said it’s a script he's really excited about because it’s wasn’t originally conceived with black leads in mind; it just happens to have a black cast.

Sam Miller (Luther) is directing from a script by Aimee Lagos (96 Minutes).

I won't expect to see this until early next year; or quit3e possibly, later this year.