This is what I have so far:
I am a Democrat. At least, if I have to identify with a party (and I did have to, in order to vote in my state's primary) I choose them. There are a lot of things that bother me about both liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats alike. Mostly, I dislike that people get so wrapped up in the fact that they are right, they put most of their energy into proving that fact- into tearing the other side down. Don’t actions speak louder than words? And I’m sorry, but to call yourself a “compassionate conservative” and then tear apart others is a little backwards. And so is calling yourself a Christian and then condemning others, as well as passing judgment on their actions and political views.
Unless there are a lot of sinless people casting stones that I don’t know about. That might explain some things. And both liberals and conservatives are guilty. I am guilty. But, I tend to lean toward the democratic party because they don’t want to legislate religion (at least…I think they don't; I'll get to that later). A lot of people say that they just want to tax everyone and then make a zillion programs to do things and that this will never work. Well, it would work…if people behaved like the religious figures they present themselves to be. I’ve heard that conservatives (ergo, republicans) would like the government to do nothing but deliver mail and have a military. And…then we throw the poor under the bus? The very poor we’re supposed to help? Needless to say, it all gets a bit confusing.
I am in favor of marriage rights for homosexual couples. (gasp!) I know that there has been much talk over the years of a “gay-marriage amendment” to our constitution, making the act illegal. I also know that this arises from the Christian belief that a marriage union is only between a man and a woman and any other such union is an “abomination” (don't bother pointing out the bible verse; I know it's in there somewhere) and is against God Himself (I've heard that before; so sad). What bothers me is that Christians – well-intentioned though they may be – are trying to impose their religious beliefs on an entire nation of people of all beliefs. I just don’t feel right imposing my beliefs (well, actually, I have no problem with homosexuals, but for the sake of argument we'll call them "my beliefs") on others. I don’t feel right denying them the rights and privileges reserved for married couples just because my religion – or anyone’s religion, for that matter – says that the way they live is wrong.
For a couple who have lived together their entire adult life, who live as a married couple, who have a healthy, stable relationship to suffer if something happens to one of them (for example, next of kin issues become very complicated) just because somebody else thinks their relationship is an “abomination” is just cruel. If you think gay marriage is wrong, and you’re a man, then don’t marry a man. I can’t see how they’re hurting anyone. And don’t get me started on the “children” argument. ”But they can’t have children; the child will grow up gay. The child will grow up in an unsafe environment. The child won’t have a stable home life.” Until I see a scientific study showing that a child raised in a loving, stable home by two fathers or two mothers is any more damaged than a child raised in a heterosexual home, I’ll be a skeptic. With divorce rates the way they are in this country, I’d be more prone to ask that heterosexual couples get their own affairs in order before they start criticizing others.
With the world the way it is today, I applaud any loving couple that wants to raise a bright and loving child. I know that oftentimes why somebody is gay also enters the argument. Were they born that way? Maybe there’s something wrong with their brain. No, it must be a lifestyle choice, that’s it. (Though, I find it hard to believe that they choose the discrimination and judgment and heartbreak that goes along with it.) And yet at the end of the day, I think – it’s really none of anybody’s business. If somebody’s gay, then that’s it regardless of how they got there. The best you can do is love them as they are, or move on your merry way. But don’t proceed to make their lives miserable just because you disagree. They should have the same opportunities the rest of us do. Just because their lifestyle goes against somebody’s religion, they shouldn’t be persecuted. It’s a free country!!! … At least, I think it is.
We come to the topic of abortion. I am pro-choice. Before you stop reading, before you decide my blog is no better than toilet paper, and before you decide that I must be some kind of raging feminist who burns her bras (though I don't understand why anyone would considering how expensive they can be), let me explain. I understand the argument has been made that it is murder, that life begins the moment the sperm meets the egg, that only “irresponsible”, “selfish”, “cruel”, “heartless”, “mislead”, “(insert chosen epithet here)” people think that there shouldn’t be a universal law banning all abortions. I’m actually only pro-choice as I don’t believe there should be a federal law banning the practice; I believe it should be left to the states to decide for themselves. Personally, I wouldn’t have one. I’d carry to term and figure out the rest later. And I believe that pregnant women deserve all the resources – counseling, financial support, friendship – that we can offer them. I believe it is a lack of options that drives a woman to abortion.
At least, I like to believe that’s what it is. And yet, I can’t imagine how hard it would be for a 16-year-old rape victim who is pregnant as a result of that rape to be forced to carry the child to term. She could give the child up for adoption…and live the rest of her life knowing that somewhere she has a son or daughter that she could have loved and at the same time knowing that child was the product of a violation of her body in the most cruel way that we know of. She could keep her child – (once women hold their newborn the prospect of adoption becomes much less attractive) and make that child the center of her world…and be ridden with guilt because of the secret she carries. Yet, this is what a universal non-negotiable anti-abortion law asks that we do. There are other cases less dramatic than this, but the thought of that happening to even one girl or woman makes me sad. I am pro-choice NOT because I am some crazy commie-liberal-hippie-feminist, but because I am a woman and I don’t feel comfortable having this kind of personal moral decision legislated for me by a bunch of Washington lawmakers.
Those are the big-three issues most people ask about. There are plenty of others – energy policy, women’s health, health-care in general, foreign policy views. The list is pretty substantial. So, as a project, I have printed out the democratic and republican party platforms from the last convention (in 2004) so I can actually read what they have to say and decide if I’ve chosen the right party then write an essay about it. Also, I know that there is a national presidential election quickly approaching. So, as a secondary project, I plan to go to the senators’ websites and learn for myself their specific stances on various issues. (If you must know, I voted for Senator Obama during the primary races.) Also, (gee I'll be busy) I’d like to do a bit of research about the issues themselves and find out what I can on my own.
Hopefully, this will lead me to be a more educated and well-rounded citizen and voter. Hopefully, it will help me be more compassionate and understanding of people who have views contrary to my own. Who knows – I may even be able to stand up to my friends who currently know more than I do!! It’ll be interesting to say the least. I