How I Wear My Amazing Hair is a celebration of style for young girls who embrace the versatility of their natural hair while recognizing the magic in a mother’s hands when she is holding a comb. Drawing inspiration from our own daughter, our friends, and even the Internet, we have created a fun way to acknowledge the plethora of styles girls of color with different textures wear their hair.
As Comora’s Parents, we felt we could contribute to the conversation by not only showcasing some of the more popular styles but also illustrating the steps involved in making those styles possible. It’s not meant to be an exhaustive guide. How I Wear My Amazing Hair is but a brief glimpse behind the curtain for the uninitiated about the hair of girls of color. What better way for curious young girls NOT of color to broach the subject rather than spend years wondering only to grow up and finally work up the nerve to utter the almost always offensive, “Can I touch it?”
As any woman of color or woman in general will tell you, how she wears her hair is what sets her apart from other women, but it’s also how its draws them together. It’s never too early to promote sisterhood while embracing the beauty of diversity. Readers who are familiar with the hair of girls of color will enjoy seeing popular styles come to life right before their eyes without having to sit still for hours with their heads at an awkward angle.
Self-esteem issues can start at a very young age. It’s also at a very young age when we as parents should promote self-expression as a positive. We hope you enjoy How I Wear My Amazing Hair and celebrate the beauty of diversity.
— Comora’s Parents.