
As Sergio announced in April this year, Will Smith's I, Robot will be getting the Blu-ray 3D treatment, courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

At the time of that post, a release date wasn't available; today, Fox has announced that it will be releasing the Blu-ray 3D I, Robot at retailers nationwide on October 23, 2012.

However, before that, for fans making the annual trek to San Diego for Comic-Con this week, Fox has created something special for you – a Limited Edition Collectible I, Robot Head, inspired by the film and jam-packed with goodies for robots and humans alike.

The limited run of 250 serialized I, Robot heads is available for pre-order only at Fox booth #4313 for a special price of $99.99 and includes the all-new revolutionary 3D Blu-ray, a DVD version of the film, as well as a bonus DVD disc chock full of extras.

Excited? Go get it then!

If I ever did a series on Will Smith's *forgotten* films (as I've been doing for Spike Lee), this would probably be one of the titles on my list. It's probably one of his weakest, and not a film that is mentioned much when conversations are had about Will Smith's oeuvre. The $120+ million managed to gross just $144 million stateside. It's actually one of his worst box office performers, even though $144 million isn't exactly chump change. But considering the star and the budget (which doesn't even include P&A costs), I'm betting the studio hoped for higher figures. 

And then there was the romance that almost was between Will's Del Spooner and Bridget Moynahan's robopsychologist Susan Calvin.

There was talk of a sequel if I recall correctly.

I haven't watch it in ages, and actually might do so today, while I'm thinking about it. It's on VOD in HD too.