Sunday, Democratic presidential nominee Beto O'Rourke published evidence he and his wife, Amy, were descendants of slave owners. Prior to submission of documentation by The Guardian, O'Rourke said he had no knowledge of his ancestral ties to enslavement.

“Amy and I sat down and talked through this,” O’Rourke said to The Guardian. “How Andrew [His grandmother's great-grandfather] was able, through his descendants, to pass on the benefits of owning other human beings. And ultimately I and my children are beneficiaries of that.”

O'Rourke, who has already come out in support for reparations, said the documentation showed him his personal connection to the building of a prejudiced system.

"They were able to build wealth on the backs and sweat of others; wealth they would then be able to pass down to their children, and their children’s children," O'Rourke wrote of his ancestors on Medium. "In some way, and in some form, that advantage would pass through to me and my children."

The former representative's announcement comes after South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg announced plans targeting issues affecting black people. A group of proposals he is naming the "Douglass Plan," after Frederick Douglass who covered criminal justice, health care, and economics.

Similar to Buttigieg's campaign strategies, O'Rourke equally has plans for the black community, to attain the black vote. Plans such as those for police accountability, equal pay, creating capital to minority and women-owned businesses, and expunging arrest records for nonviolent drug crimes.

"We all need to know our own story as it relates to the national story, much as I am learning mine," O'Rourke wrote. "It is only then, I believe, we can take the necessary steps to repair the damage done, and stop visiting this injustice on the generations that follow ours."