
A fundraising campaign to produce a short film called Sound of Tears – A Matter of Family Honor, from Cameroonian-born Canadian actress and independent filmmaker Dorothy A. Atabong.

The project's short decription follows:

Sound of Tears is a short film about a young woman who must abide by the strict customs and traditions embedded in her since birth. She must heed the admonition and relinquish a forbidden love. It is a matter of family honor.

Atabong is hoping to raise $25,000, with just over 2 months left in the new campaign, so watch her pitch in the video below, and if you're sold, head over to the project's IndieGoGo page HERE, and make your contribution. Or click in the IndieGoGo widget underneath the video.

You'll also find lots more information about the project, although I think she's quite thorough in the video below:

Sound of Tears Pitch from Sound of Tears film on Vimeo.