The beloved actor and comedian Jimmie Walker from the hit 1970s CBS sitcom Good Times support President Donald Trump about 90 percent of the time.

His public endorsement of the president comes during an interview with Fox News. Walker, who is in the midst of shooting an episode of ABC’s “Battle of the Network Stars, says that he supports  "probably 90 percent of the things he does. That means I'm not against Trump, but he makes mistakes, too," Walker added. 

In recent days, the Trump administration has been rocked by the resignation of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, unpopular immigration reforms, and attacks on affirmative action all the while the Russian collusion scandal looms. Despite this, he still supports Trump.

Walker also claims that everyone is being too hard on Trump and that no one was this hard on President Barack Obama during his eight years in office because he was black. 

“There's not one positive Trump joke out here,” he said. “No President has been attacked in recent years — because you couldn't attack [Barack] Obama because he was black … but Trump, they have come out guns blazing against him, but even though I don't like everything he does, why, heck, darn it, I think he deserves some sort of praise … but you can't say that in Hollywood."

While the actor recollects the last few years, he seems to have forgotten about the birther movement supported by Trump that questioned Obama's citizenship, violent threats aimed at Obama by Ted Nugent and others and racism aimed at Obama and his family

But at the heart of all of this anti-Trump hate is political correctness and he says this while supporting comedian Bill Maher's use of the n-word. 

"I think… anything that anybody says really is scrutinized," Walker said. "It's nothing personal! Everybody takes everything so hard! I think that's really what the problem is. Everybody is too sensitive … It was a joke! Come on, people! I love Bill Maher… even though Bill Maher has not put me on his show in about 10 years… Bill Maher is not a racist… calm down."