
Speaking of Julie Dash (see my Tupelo 77 post from kast night HERE)… she was in Toronto about a week ago for TIFF’s celebration of Black History Month, to discuss the ongoing series, L.A. Rebellion: Creating a New Black Cinema, which we've been covering since it launched in Los Angeles in the fall of 2011 (we reviewed just about every film that's screening in the series).

The series debuted in Toronto on January 31, and Ms Dash was on-hand to plug it in the Toronto press on that same day.

I came across this interview with Dash which she gave to Global Toronto newscast, and after watching it, felt it was worth sharing. 

In it, she talks about the L.A. Rebellion (obviously), but she also discusses broader topics, like, where black cinema is today, depictions of black people on screen, breaking down barriers and challenging limited portrayals of black people on screen, black cinema as "niche," black filmmakers making strictly black films for black audiences, and, of course, Django Unchained

I've got to say that since Django Unchained was released, I'm continuously surprised by some of the reactions – specifically reactions from black people. What I mean is that, those who I think WON'T like the film, love it; and those who I think WOULD love it, hate it!

It's just interesting to me. 

I assumed Julie Dash would probably be one of those who wouldn't have liked it. But, as you'll see in the video, when asked what she thinks of the film, Dash says she thought it was "brilliant!" She says more than that, but you can watch the video to get the full story. 

They further discuss whether the film would've been as polarizing if a black director, like Spike Lee, directed it, instead of a white director in Quentin Tarantino.

I'm still waiting to hear what bell hooks thought of the film. I'm assuming that she didn't care for it based on her past criticisms of Tarantino and his films; but, as I noted, I could very well be surprised by her reaction to the film.

Watch the whole interview below; and those of you in Toronto, I hope you're aware and are taking full advantage of the L.A. Rebellion screening series in your city right now: