The days of dragging Raven-Symoné because might just be over. She’s infamous for making comments that don’t sit well with the black community, so much so that in 2015 one person took to making a petition to remove her from ABC’s The View. However, something may have gotten through to Raven, who’s now speaking in support of black people and in defense of the outrage caused by the police killings of unarmed men.
“We have to find some way or somebody to help with the organization of this change – this revolution that needs to happen,” said Symoné as she sat next to 50 Cent, who was The View‘s guest for that day.
She went on to talk about the power of the black consumer and the boycotts that were happening after the concurrent deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in early July.
“It’s said that by 2017, there is going to be $1.3 trillion buying power in the Black community alone. If you took that away from certain people, don’t you think they would make change?”
Watch the full clip here:
— Penné (@opinionatedcxnt) July 21, 2016
This moment might not make you forgive Symoné’s past comments, but it will make you think about her in a new way. However, the REAL question is will Raven be invited to the cookout?