In a shocking development, puppeteer Kevin Clash, known as the voice and personality of the popular Sesame Street character Elmo, who was the subject of last year's documentary Being Elmo, has temporarily left the program after accusations of an improper sexual relationship with a 16 year old boy, years ago.
Though Clash denies the accusations, he admits that he had a relationship with the unnamed teen, who is now 23 years old, and said that: "It was between two consenting adults and I am deeply saddened that he is trying to make it into something it was not."
It's reported that execs at Sesame Street have met with Clash's accuser twice already, and stand by Clash, saying that no evidence has been presented by the person to prove his claim.
The accuser, however, has already obtained legal counsel via a firm which is currently representing one of Jerry Sandusky's victims.
According to a public statement by Sesame Street officials: "Kevin insists that these allegations are false and defamatory, and he has taken actions to protect his repuation. We have granted him a leave of absence to do so."