I’ll skip the formalities and instead just let the filmmaker speak for herself. She has 11 days to go to meet her $8,500 goal. As of the time of this post, she’s raised $4,533, so just over 50%. Read and watch her pitch below, and then visit the project’s Kickstarter page here to contribute, or click within the Kickstarter widget at the bottom of this page:
"RAIN" is a short film I wrote inspired by my favorite and most undersung super-mutant…
[If you’re not already [familiar with the project], you can follow along with updates & info here: facebook.com/xstormfilm]
With just over 200 backers right before the holidays, we were able to raise a cool 10 grand to get this ambitious little-engine-that-could off the ground. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rainfilm/rain-a-fan-film-about-storm)
As a complete rookie to this experience, however, there were a few things I totally spaced on– like the cost of Kickstarter itself, for one thing. After taxes and fees and the handful of pledges that didn’t go through, our initial $10,000 ended up being more like $8900.
That is a teeny tiny micro-budget for a sci-fi short with VFX and high production value.
I have lucked into an awesome group of pros who are willing to do as much as they can basically pro bono just because they believe in the story and know how awesome it’s going to turn out. Still, there are big expenses on a production like this… bigger ones than I knew anything about.
So here I am again, asking for a little more help.
It will open up a lot more opportunities for us to finish this project as beautifully as we hope to if we could double down with at least another 10K or so.
Production has already begun and will continue, but a little more support can get us even higher off the ground than we already are, and it will keep us from having to cut the story down.
*With a bit more funding, we won’t have to cut corners on things like costuming or vehicle rental… or other little details necessary to tell the story the way it deserves to be told and the way you deserve to see it.
*With a bit more funding I can cover the cost of the rewards from the FIRST Kickstarter without having to drain the already tiny budget we have so far (or go flat broke myself trying to do it on my own).
*More funding will give the crew some breathing room and elevate the production value even further.
Basically, the more we raise the less the story and important storytelling devices have to get trimmed and clipped away.
A lot of you have given such generous support already– too much in some cases– but I’ve been hearing from lots of new Storm-watchers who are as eager to see this project come to life as I am. This is for the newcomers.
(*If you do want to pledge again, keep in mind that the photo rewards such as 8×10’s and posters will be all new this time around.)Here’s your chance to help MAKE IT RAIN.
Are you in?
You’ve got all my gratitude just for being part of this thrilling ride.
Love & Lightning~
Maya G.In case you missed it, here’s a podcast I did just recently talking all about the project and the experience and it’s importance: http://www.blackgirlnerds.com/2014/04/in-case-you-missed-itbgn-podcast-41314.html.
Here’s the video pitch, and, underneath, the Kickstarter widget. Follow the project’s progress via its Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/xstormfilm.