I’m not religious. Whenever I tell people this, it’s always the same raised-eyebrow face that comes right before the question: “So, do you believe in God?” To answer that — yes, I do. However, the way I seek to connect is probably slightly (okay, very) different than someone who considers themselves to be religious. But first, there seem to be some misconceptions about people who say they’re spiritual vs. people who say their religious. So allow me to clarify.

Just because I’m spiritual does NOT mean:

1) I’m an Atheist

Someone who does NOT believe in God or any higher power.

2) I smoke weed all day in order to be “connected.” ­­­

Spiritual or not, if you smoke weed it’s because you like it #dassit.

3) I can’t discuss or even understand your beliefs, even if you don’t reciprocate mine.

To do this would actually be the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve in my spiritual walk.

4) I don’t or have never read the Bible, the Qur’an, the Torah, etc.

Although I don’t agree with a lot of aspects of the bible (in particular), I CAN acknowledge that there’s truth in it…I just believe it’s been tainted.

So back to being spiritual. What exactly does that mean? Everyone has their own interpretation but the general consensus is that spiritual people are those who seek a personal relationship with God (or the Creator, The Truth, The Source, The Universe etc.) outside of any religious denominations. That relationship is achieved by healing old emotional wounds from childhood, properly feeding our physical bodies and meditation and prayer with oneself. Not too far out there, right?

You might know someone who is spiritual and perhaps you’ve had conversations about chakras (energy centers in the body), cleansing (clearing away negative energy and thoughts), the foods we consume (raw, alkaline, organic), stones (different stones carry certain properties), meditations (finding peace in stillness), supreme mathematics (the spiritual properties of numbers), etc. Although these things can seem a little overwhelming to someone on the outside looking in, they’re really not. They are simply tools that those of us who practice spirituality use to achieve balance within ourselves and maintain a personal relationship with God.

Here are a few stones that have metaphysical properties:

Photo: Pinterest

It’s all a system of overlapping parts, which in turn complete the grand design. We consume certain foods and avoid others so as not cloud the body, we meditate and align our chakras so that our minds stay sharp and still enough to hear the voice of God (conscious) and so on and so forth. The ultimate goal is to feel rooted in God and yourself at all times. Hopefully, I provided some clarity on what exactly it means to be spiritual, though I’m sure I’ve sparked some questions. If you do have questions there are tons of YouTube videos on meditation and spirituality. You can also head over to www.higherperspective.com, www.thespiritscience.net or even mention me on Twitter (@SAXjetsON) with any questions you might have.