"When the Bell Rings" is a documentary about David “Dino” Wells, a former championship boxer who makes a gutsy attempt to return to fighting, at age 40. Wells quickly finds that his 15-year absence from the sport has left him in need of intense physical and mental training, which he takes on with courage, determination and grit. He battles his own body, as well as skeptical coaches, brutal sparring partners, and ruthless promoters – while also facing the memories of a fatherless childhood – driving him to take on another challenge: reuniting with his estranged son. As Wells reenters his boy’s life, he finds that parenting, like boxing, takes practice – and that his greatest achievement might be outside the ring.
Directed by Brad Bores, the film is produced by Bores and Kevin DeVore.
Executive Producers are NBA star Metta World Peace (formerly known as Ron Artest, before legally changing his name in 2011), Geoffrey James Clark, Lisa Lapan, Eric Bromberg and Stephen Michael.
The award-winning festival-played film was released on VOD via Vimeo On Demand, on November 24th, for both rental and digital purchase. For more info, visit: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/whenthebellrings.
Trailer below: