While speaking recently at the American Black Film Festival, Nia Long dropped a few details about her upcoming memoir and what all it will entail.

At the festival, Long participated in a fireside conversation for Ally, which was titled, “Money and Mindfulness: A Conversation with Nia Long.” Jack Howard, Ally’s Head of Money Wellness, moderated the discussion with Long.

Speaking about her mindset with money and how her therapist has helped with that, Long said, “I’ll tell you a quick story because this is [in] my memoir that I’m writing. I don’t want to reveal the title yet because it could change, but my memoir is really rooted in listening to what’s around you. Not just seeing or talking or feeling, but listening. Because listening is probably one of the most important things we can do.”

She continued, “And so I called my girlfriend Jennifer Baltimore, who is my smart friend, one of those really smart friends who knows everything about everything. And so I called Jennifer. I go, ‘Jennifer, I need a therapist and I want someone that can talk to me and the boys.’ And she’s like, ‘Oh, call Dr. Henry McCurtis.’ And I was like, “OK, I’m going to do that.”

Turns out that she had a connection with McCurtis that she didn’t even realize.

“I’m talking to him and there’s a beautiful black and white photo behind him,” she explained, asking the audience to rememer this anecdote for the remainder of the story. “When I was a young girl and my grandmother used to make me meditate, and she talked about therapy. This is in the very early ’70s when Black folks were like, ‘If you go to therapy, you’re crazy.’ She was very innovative in her thinking. And so her therapist’s name was Dr. Curtis. My therapist is Dr. Henry McCurtis. So as we’re talking, I go, what’s that black and white photo behind you? And he goes, ‘Oh, that’s my mentor. His name was Dr. Curtis.'”

She then knew that everything was happening for the right reason. “Then I knew I was in the right place,” she said. “So listen and pay attention to those things, because angels are real. They’re real. Our ancestors are always pushing for our greatness. And so if you just settle into that listening and receiving, you’ll feel a sense of ease as you walk through this life, no matter how tough it gets.”

No word yet on when the untitled memoir will be available.