Twitter spent most of the week making an awfully relatable new Spongebob meme and clowning a police instruction video.

But nothing had the cyber streets talking as much as Nicki Minaj's surprise tweet announcing her rap retirement and plan to start a family. The tweet ignited scores of her ardent fans to express their disappointment and obviously, inspired those with jokes.

These are your tweets of the week:

In a now-deleted tweet, the rap legend said she was quitting hip-hop and settling down to start a family. She later walked back her retirement, but the message was already out in the world.

Spongebob has become the inspiration for some of Twitter's greatest memes this past week because who can't relate to wanting to dip out? Twitter found a way to keep innovating, using a funny Spongebob scene with the caption, "Imma head out." They even used it to cope with the pain of Nicki's retirement.

Twitter spent a lot of the week roasting a woman for sharing a video with tips from a man who instructed people to tell police that they "don't answer questions" when pulled over.

As always, Twitter had an assortment of hilarious tweets and memes that went viral and provided the laughs. 

Enjoy the weekend!