More than two thousand Black people from across Oakland came to Lake Merritt a year ago to enjoy the first "BBQ’n While Black," event, organized by Logan Cortez and Jhamel Robinson. Organizers are planning to throw the second annual event this weekend at Lake Merritt.

“We don’t want to attach this to BBQ Becky,” Robinson told local outlet KTVU

“Saying her name just gives her too much power."

The event became massively popular last year after a white woman named Jennifer Schulte was caught on video two weeks before the event calling the police on two Black men for barbecuing near the lake. The video quickly amassed millions of views and Schulte was dubbed BBQ Becky before being memed endlessly.

The backlash to BBQ Becky made the event a massive hit, but organizers this year are hoping to focus the cookout on gentrification.

The event ended up uniting with another event, 510 Day, that was started 4 years ago and saw its biggest crowds last year. 

“It really became a response to BBQ Becky,” said Nicole Lee, one of the organizers of 510 Day at Lake Merritt.

“We used to get 100 or so folks. But last year, we had 700 or 800. People were really indignant about what happened. They wanted the opportunity to stand up for their hometown and speak out against racism and gentrification.”

Organizers are hoping to attract even more people to the event and hope to spotlight Oakland's dwindling number of Black residents, which is now down to just 23.5 percent of the city's population.

“We want this to be a positive event. It’s a celebration of blackness. But we want our allies and members of the community there, too,” Robinson said, adding that since last year's festival, dozens of vendors and food carts line up around the lake and cater to Black families enjoying weekends near the water.

Now, check these out: 

BBQ Becky's 911 Calls Reveal That We Weren't The Only Ones That Thought The Incident Was Crazy

White Woman Arrested After Attacking Multiracial Group, Including Black Mom With Her Child

Ommm No She Didn't: Woman Calls The Police On Black Man Sitting in His Car Listening To Yoga CD