Fueled off the concept of difference, Off-Kilter magazine is a printed publication for creatives to express their individual truths. Designed to be an open space for all bodies, the magazine has been in the making for a few years and is finally coming to life.
The man behind it all, Felton Kizer, is a 21-year old Chicago native who has dabbled in all things art. Well known for his photography, Kizer was able to take his love for art and his desire for change and create a publication like no other. “It’s a safe space for diversity. Diversity in its whole, the good and the bad.”
Off-Kilter is a quarterly print publication and each issue highlights a variety of creatives. The magazine is stationed in Kizer’s hometown, but in no way does he consider it to be local. “[The] majority of the people featured are from Chicago. But I’ve also had people from Pennsylvania in it, somebody from St. Louis, somebody from D.C., It’s based in Chicago but it’s not all Chicago people.”

Whether it’s the striking cover photo or the name, people are definitely here for the new publication. The word off-kilter means “unconventional or eccentric.” Kizer says that from the moment his friend suggested the name, he knew that it was the one. He feels it’s a perfect description of the message he wants his magazine to present to people.
So far people have provided tons of positive feedback about the publication. Kizer attributes the positivity to people’s natural desire for something out of the ordinary.
“People want inclusion and something different. But it’s scary. You’re opening up that room for error but deep down people like that. I feel like people are tired of sticking to the script. It’s 2016 and lines are being blurred more. I’m just doing what people want to do but are afraid to do.”
Not only does Kizer aim to highlight creatives from an array of ethnic backgrounds, he also focuses on many types of creatives. “I would not necessarily consider it an art magazine. It’s definitely influenced by art because I’m an artist. It’s more about creators.”
Kizer continues to focus in on the magazine, constantly searching for new ways to cover creatives. He hopes that his publication can appeal to anyone who enjoys creating things, and ultimately sees the brand becoming more than a magazine and more of a community of individuals. The first edition of the magazine is available for order now on offkiltermag.com.