Tis the season and Pantene has partnered with GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) to unveil their new campaign, #BeautifuLGBTQ. It's all about inclusion and love during the holidays and forevermore.

Pantene goes behind the scenes into the lives of a diverse group of individuals who are all seeking one thing for the holidays: acceptance. In the nearly 2-minute video, the commercial captures the many emotions that often intensify for those who identify as LGBTQ when traveling home or 'coming out' during the holiday season.

"137 million Americans will travel home this holiday season," begins the ad, which was released on YouTube on December 5.

The video then transitions into a selection from the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles singing a beautiful rendition of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” The unique choir, founded in 2015, is the first of its kind, accepting all members of the trans, non-binary and intersex communities. Their mission is "sharing the LGBTQ+ spirit through awareness and song."

The video continues with a staggering statistic that reads, “44% of LGBTQ people feel they can’t come home as their true selves."

Throughout the ad, a parallel is seen between hair and home. From the gentle and comforting strokes of one lover's hand into the mane of another, to home being the place where they travel in hopes of receiving unconditional love. 

“Inclusion is at the heart of Pantene’s mission to celebrate the beauty of all transformations and of all people,” said Ilaria Resta, vice president of Procter & Gamble. "Hearing these LGBTQ individuals speak about trials and triumphs of going home for the holidays — as well as their irrepressible desire to be their true selves — will inspire others in the community and remind us all what true beauty is about."

The campaign has been well received throughout social media, even receiving a nod from Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter.

In addition to the original video, other parts of the campaign include a closer look into the individual stories of the people featured in the group video. Crystal, Steven, MJ and Miliana from the Chorus of Los Angeles document their journey and personal stories of trials and triumphs as they prepare to travel home for Christmas.

"Over the last couple years my mother has come around and actually said I was pretty," recalls Crystal in her personal video. "To any young trans person coming home for the holidays, stay strong, give them time because they will come around. You will have joy and you will be loved. I believe that."

The company best known for its hair products is no stranger to creating compelling ads that hold a message. Pantene also debuted its "Don’t Hate Me Because I’m BeautifuLGBTQ" campaign earlier this year at the Cannes Film Festival, highlighting the beautiful diversity within the LGBTQ community. Now, the “Going Home for the Holidays Campaign“ is the perfect follow-up for the holiday season.

Along with Pantene's partnership GLAAD they also pledge to donate $100,000 to the charity, Family Equality. The group is dedicated to ensuring that LGBTQ people receive the same parenting rights as heterosexual couples.

Watch two of the #BeautifuLGBTQ spotlights below: