Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz has been indicted on 34 counts of premeditated murder and attempted murder for the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, CNN reports.

On Wednesday, a Broward County grand jury charged Cruz with 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder for the February 14 shooting that left 17 people dead.

The decision came after two days of testimony from various witnesses, including the Uber driver, who dropped Cruz off at the school; a medical examiner, who performed the autopsies and the couple that took him in after his mother’s death, James and Kimberly Snead.

“They were very cooperative. Grand jurors asked them insightful questions and they answered them to the best of their ability," Jim Lewis, the Sneads’ attorney said “They are trying to do the right thing. They are in mourning just like everybody else in this community," Lewis continued. "They tried to provide a home to this young man who lost his mother and who didn't have a home. And nobody saw this coming. Nobody could predict this."

Cruz’ defense team has not commented on the decision as yet.

According to Local 10 News, the defense has said Cruz will plead guilty if the prosecution doesn’t ask for the death penalty. Prosecutors will have 45 days to announce their decision. Cruz will have an arraignment hearing in a few weeks.

Cruz has been held without bond in solitary confinement since his arrest. According to records obtained by NBC News, Cruz’s behavior behind bars has been described as “restless.” He was also seen laughing and staring at the ceiling for hours.