Two Philly high school students have developed a handbook that includes a slang glossary to help their school’s teachers interact with their students.

Horace Ryans III and Khalid Abogourin created the handbook to help first-year teachers get used to their new environment. The pair based their handbook on an Omaha, Nebraska teacher handbook they discovered. A portion of the handbook borrows directly from the platform "Whose Your Landlord" which created the original list featuring "12 Words You Need To Know If You Live In Philly."

“You need to be able to understand the culture and the environment and the language of those students if you’re going to go into an environment you are not used to,” 16-year-old Ryans told The Philadelphia Tribune. “We cannot have a teacher not understand what these kids are talking about and then expect them to teach them to the best of their ability.”

Abogourin, 17, believes the handbook will reduce chances of culture shock.

“You can’t really expect a teacher coming in from Ohio to come into a school and know every slang word,” he said. “But this would allow them to connect, share and grow with students.”

The list includes terms like jawn, bet, drawlin and ocky.

The boys had to keep the list to one page; so they went with the words they heard most often.

“These are words we heard the most … although some people might not agree,” Ryans said.

The handbook is already making an impact. 

"I think I can learn about what it feels like to be in a seat in a classroom and learn about how to interact with students," digital media instructor Abigail Shagin told 6ABC.

If you want to brush up on some Philly slang, CBS Philly has helpfully published a copy of that jawn on their website.

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