Written by Rhea Beddoe


Every day, thousands of people rely on Planned Parenthood for essential care — such as cancer screenings, birth control, STD testing and treatment, annual exams and more. But the Trump-Pence administration’s ongoing attacks on sexual and reproductive health care is now blocking low-income people from getting these basic medical services.

In 2005, I had a wonderful job with great health insurance. I visited my doctor’s posh Park Avenue office for regular checkups and wellness exams. But that year my OB-GYN shared unexpected news. My pap test came back abnormal. I had pre-cancerous cells, the worst kind, CIN 3. I was devastated. My OB-GYN removed the precancerous cells and told me in no uncertain terms that I should come back in six months for a follow-up.  But six months later, I no longer had that wonderful job — or any insurance. As expected, my gynecologist called me to confirm my appointment, but I couldn't afford to pay out-of-pocket for the visit. They urged me to immediately follow-up with a doctor to make sure all the abnormal cells were gone. Not doing so could have been life-threatening.

I went to Planned Parenthood of New York City where I was treated without delay. I was given a sliding scale option, so that the procedure wouldn’t pose a financial burden. I later learned that my visit was covered under a federally-funded program called Title X (Title Ten). Title X is the nation's only taxpayer-funded program solely dedicated to family planning and preventive care — like birth control, STD tests and treatment, and cancer screenings. I am one of the four million people across the country who benefited from this lifeline to affordable health care each year. But now millions of people who struggle to make ends meet will lose access to Title X because of Trump’s dangerous “gag rule.”

The Title X “gag rule” makes healthcare providers, like Planned Parenthood, ineligible for funds if they provide abortions. It also restricts providers from referring or mentioning abortion options to patients. Imagine consulting with an oncologist about cancer treatment and the doctor is censored from discussing chemotherapy in addition to radiation and surgery. Wouldn’t you want and expect to know all your options so you can make the best decision for yourself? That's what the “gag rule” is doing to sexual and reproductive health providers like Planned Parenthood. The “gag rule” strips Planned Parenthood of nearly $60 million dollars in Title X funding for preventive care. This will be a significant loss for uninsured and under-served people. As a woman of color who migrated from the Caribbean to New York City as a child, I know firsthand how the complexities of the healthcare system can discourage marginalized people from getting quality, affordable healthcare.

I want Planned Parenthood to be there for other people when they need medical services and peace of mind, even if they don't have insurance or steady income. Everyone should have the right to information about their healthcare — including information about safe, legal abortion. Everyone, regardless of their race, income or where they live, deserves the best medical care and information available. Under this “gag rule,” they won’t get it. 

We must rise up and undo this dangerous, and potentially deadly healthcare restriction. The House of Representatives passed a provision to protect the Title X program from the Trump-Pence administration. Now we need the Senate to do the same. Do your part: Call your senators now and tell them to protect Title X. The Trump-Pence “gag rule” is dangerous, unethical and illegal — and it's only going to get worse until Congress acts.

I wish we lived in a country where healthcare was not political. Unfortunately for us, politicians have made it their business to constantly meddle with our right to have full, happy and healthy lives. There is no reproductive healthcare, or any healthcare, without knowing all your care options and having the freedom to access them. In America, at least for now, you can’t have healthcare unless you engage politically. And with the Trump-Pence administration, it is more important than ever.


Rhea Beddoe is a Planned Parenthood of New York City patient and advocate. Beddoe works for the Society of Family Planning, where she manages a national conference that brings together researchers and scholars committed to reproductive justice and equitable access to abortion and contraception, supported by science. Beddoe also sits on the board of New York Abortion Access Fund.