President Barack Obama’s time in the Oval Office is quickly coming to an end. We already know that he’ll be staying in D.C. for the next two years, but what’s next for him?

In the White House’s video “Couch Commander” he goes through a post-presidential crisis, seeking employment from the Washington Wizards and contemplating golf as a hobby/pseudo-career. After Michelle has had enough hems him up for posting a video on Snapchat that makes it to the news, he enlists the help of John Boehner to help him on his journey.

Photo: Tumblr/onlylolgifs
Photo: Tumblr/onlylolgifs

If only we had this level of camaraderie his entire time in office.

Photo: Tumblr/onlylolgifs
Photo: Tumblr/onlylolgifs

Watch the full video below:

Looks like President Obama might have some soul searching to do.

Photo: Giphy

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