Donald Trump Jr. released a new book Tuesday, in which he attempts to defend his father against callouts of racism by sharing stories from his childhood. The now 41-year-old pointed to his and his father's friendship with music superstar Michael Jackson as an example of their "love" for Black folks.

In the book entitled Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us, the president's son shared a specific story where his Nintendo gaming system and copy of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" game were given to Jackson.

"One day in Eric’s room, my father saw how much Michael enjoyed playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with us on Nintendo and told him he could take the game home. My game!" Trump Jr. wrote. "To this day, Eric says it was his game because it was in his room, but I know whose game it was, I’d worked a summer job to pay for it! And here was Michael Jackson, probably a billionaire at this point, and he took it!"

The story was meant to outline his father’s generosity toward a Black man as a further point against the argument of his racism. In the book, Trump Jr. later argued that if his father were racist, letting him go on vacation and play video games with the musical superstar meant that “he’s not very good at it.”

Twitter users have not allowed the president’s oldest child to minimize his father's racism by using the “Black friend” card, and have made their opinions on the matter known, with many pointing to the allegations against Jackson and his conduct with children as a piece of information that only complicates Trump Jr's defense.

Other stories told in the book attempt to highlight his father as an "every man," a strategy that was used with success during the 2016 election, but people simply aren't buying it now.