I like the looks and sounds of this Kenyan crime drama titled Nairobi Half Life, from director David Tosh Gitonga, which centers on an aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya, who dreams of becoming a success. In pursuit of this, he makes his way to Nairobi, supposedly the city of opportunity, and faces a different reality when he arrives, and instead falls into a life of crime.
The longer synopsis reads:
A young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming an accomplished actor one day, and in pursuit of this and the chagrin of his brother and parents, he makes his way to Nairobi the city of opportunity. He quickly understands why Nairobi is nicknamed Nairrobery as he is robbed of all his money and belongings and left alone in a city where he doesn’t know a soul. Luck, or the lack of it, brings him face to face with the city’s criminals and forms a friendship with a small time crook who takes him in. He is quickly drawn into a world of crime as he struggles to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Keeping the two worlds separate proves to be a challenge for him as he trudges on in this unknown world called Nairobi. This is the story of a young man who despite all odds trudges on in search of his dream. His drive and soft spoken nature are his best resources. His determination is encouraging and he is a true testament that what stands between us and our goals is us.
Nairobi Half Life is director Gitonga's feature film debut; previously, he served as assistant director on the Naomie Harris drama, The First Grader, as well as on a few short films, and a TV movie.
The film is a co-production project between Germany's One Fine Day Films and Kenya's Ginger Ink Films. It stars Joseph K Wairimu, Olwenya Maina, and Nancy Wanjiku Karanja.
It'll be making its world premiere at the Durban International Film Festival in South Africa this month.
Based on that synopsis and the below trailer, I'm in.