
The 3rd edition of the Mediterranean Coproduction Forum runs from October 26 to 27, at the Cineporti di Puglia/Bari, Italy.

The aim of the Mediterranean Coproduction Forum is to support the film projects linked to the Mediterranean and the Balkan regions, providing a forum for production companies, financers, market experts and distributors, and filmmakers/producers with projects in development.

2 projects from Africa (Algeria and Morocco) are included in the 20 selected for co-production Forum: The Lost Image (Morocco) produced by La Prod and directed by Mohamed Abu Sidu; and The Righteous Path (Algeria) produced by Laith Media and directed by Okacha Touita.

Unfortunately, the forum hasn't yet revealed details about all the projects (synopsis, especially), and our research turned up empty; but we should know more soon. Look for individual profiles of each film in coming weeks, as both are now on our watch-list.

The projects participating are said to be all partially financed, and '"almost ready" to be go into production, as far as screenplay and organization.

Says Silvio Maselli, director of the Apulia Film Commission, which organizes the event: "After the great participation and results obtained in the first two editions, the Foundation has once again chosen to use the forum as an opportunity to bring professionals from the cinema industry as well as the larger audiovisual industry together. This event enriches the building strategy of the audiovisual sector, allowing the exchange of experiences and financial resources, as well as facilitating making movies in Apulia."

The initiative is sponsored by EURIMAGES, in cooperation with ACE and Sofia Meetings.

Stay tuned…

The full list of selected projects follows below: