nullHaven't heard much on this since my last post in November… Vin Diesel's new web series (he's producing) with Fox Digital Entertainment, titled The Ropes – an original series about the lives of bouncers; something Vin himself was in a former life.

Recall Zoe Saldana signed on the direct at least one episode (including the pilot). Not sure if that's happened yet, though I assume something of the series has been shot at this point.

I came across the below official pieces of poster art for the series, courtesy of the VinExperience Facebook page. And a little further digging revealed that there has been some promo activity for the series in recent weeks, and that a video/trailer has been floating around the web, but I couldn't immediately find it. If anyone out there has seen it, let me know so I can update this post. 

I'll also repost the behind-the-scenes video I shared back in November, which was put together for the promo photo shoot for show, featuring its cast (casting sheet from IMDB also below, featuring characters with names like "Thick Girl" and "Ninja Black" amongst others) – a group I don't think has been formally revealed yet.

I should note that the initial announcement of the series said that the plan was to cast real-life bouncers who can also act, or actors, like Diesel, who have had experience as bouncers at one time or another in their lives; the goal being to make the series as authentic as possible. I'm actually curious about this series; It was expected to debut in November, but I don't think it did: