nullI like the look and feel of this, and it does look like it's well-suited for a Valentine's day release (2014).

One of 3 films upcoming in-production films that super-producer Will Packer is producing, that are scheduled to be released in the next 12 to 18 monhts – Screen Gems' remake of the 1986 rom-com, About Last Night, starring Packer's Think Like A Man co-stars Michael EalyRegina Hall and Kevin Hart, as well as Joy Bryant.

The original 1986 film's synopsis reads:

Danny and Bernie are two single men living their lives on the wild side. But when Danny meets Debbie at a bar and the two start a relationship with a one night stand, Danny's life takes a different turn. How does this passionate night become a full affair and what effect will this relationship have on both people and their friendship with their best mates?

Edward Zwick directed the original that starred Rob Lowe and Demi Moore as the couple who meet (Danny and Debbie), and James Belushi played Danny's best friend, Bernie. Elizabeth Perkins played Joan, Debbie's best friend.

In the remake, Hart plays the Belushi role; while Ealy is in the lead, originated by Rob Lowe.

Regina Hall plays the role originated on film by Elizabeth Perkins, the best friend, who has a love/hate relationship with Hart's character. 

And finally Joy Bryant plays Demi Moore's role.

Steve Pink is directing the film, which, from all we've read and heard thus far, may be closer in content to the original play that the first film was based on – Sexual Perversity in Chicago – written by David Mamet, which I read was more R-Rated than the 1986 rom-com, full of profanity, depicting "intimate relationships [as] minefields of buried fears and misunderstandings."

We'll see when Screen Gems releases the film a year from now.

Watch the red-band trailer below, which isn't all that red-band.