You remembered your intentions, stuck to your plan, and even battled your cravings. The ending of your fast is near! So, what’s next? Even though your fast was for a short period of time, the process can help develop healthy habits that you can benefit from for the rest of your life.
It’s up to you to continue the habits.
Intentions helped you stick to your fast, why not use them to help you stick to the other goals in your life? After your fast, reflect on what intentions motivated you the most. Will you continue to use that intention for other areas of your life? Are there any you want to revise or create?
Transition & preparation
Transition taught me patience. As you transition out of your fast (at least 1/3 of the days you fasted), reflect on how you felt during the transition process. The world we live in is so fast paced, how can you help yourself to slow down when you need a break?
Creating a fasting plan and food preparation taught you to discipline and consistency. I know that personally, I will continue to go grocery shopping weekly and prepare my morning juice the night before. Fasting helped me develop consistent healthy habits and I want to continue them. Are you going to keep, tweak or get rid of the preparation habits you created?
A really big lesson for me during this fast was battling physical, emotional and social triggers that lead me to bad eating. I got to know more about myself and how I deal with certain situation and emotions. How has battling or succumbing to your temptations taught you about yourself? How could you improve or change the way you react to things? Self-awareness is the key to growth.
Great job on surviving your first fast! I hope you learned about yourself during the process to help you continue to become a better version of yourself.
How was your first fast? Feel free to share your experience below!