
“Fight or die” is the tagline of Raze, the new thriller directed by Josh Waller and starring Zoe Bell, Rachel Nichols, Tracie Thoms, Doug Jones, Sherilyn Fenn and Rosario Dawson.

The film premiered earlier this year at Tribeca Film Festival, and will be released by IFC Midnight on January 10. 

The synopsis is as follows: 

When Sabrina (Bell) is mysteriously abducted, she finds herself in an underground lair, forced to do battle with other innocents for the amusement of unseen spectators. Each of these reluctant warriors has something to lose, but only one will remain when the game is done. Violent and relentless, Raze takes its video game aesthetic to the deepest and darkest places, rarely surfacing for air. 

Very Hunger Games. Thoms apparently plays one of the “reluctant warriors.”

Find the film’s trailer below: