Sen. Cory Booker visited The Wendy Williams Show on Monday and explained his position on a multitude of issues, including marijuana legalization. 

Booker explained on the show why legalizing marijuana, from his perspective, is not enough and why expunging conviction records is necessary. 

"I put in the first major bill to legalize marijuana," Booker said on the show, "but I'm also one of these with a very strong, strong conviction on this issue that you should never talk about legalization of marijuana if you're not talking, in the same paragraph, about expunging the records of those people who have been convicted in the past."

The statement was a direct contradiction of the position laid out by former Vice President Joe Biden, who said at a town hall in Las Vegas on Saturday, he was not prepared to push for legalization on a federal level. 

"The truth of the matter is, there's not nearly been enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug," Biden said, according to a report by the Business Insider. "It's a debate, and I want a lot more before I legalize it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it."

Booker, however, did not focus on the same details as Biden. In his appearance on Wendy, the New Jersey Senator broke down the racial differences in enforcement of marijuana laws as his logic in support of legalization. 

"There's no difference in America between blacks and whites for smoking marijuana or even selling marijuana, but Blacks are about four times more likely to be convicted of it," Booker said. "But it's also veterans who are disproportionately convicted of marijuana crimes, poor people are disproportionately convicted of drug crimes."