Reality television personality Jenelle Evans couldn’t take the heat when television host Nessa Diab, Colin Kaepernick’s girlfriend, confronted her for talking mess about her man.
The exchange happened during the Teen Mom 2 reunion, which Diab moderated on Monday night. It all started when Evans was asked about her social media argument with Teen Mom OG’s Amber Portwood. The argument stemmed from Evans talking mess about Portwood’s relationship. Evans denied any wrongdoing and Diab called her out for being a hypocrite.
“I think it’s very interesting because you did exactly that to me,” Diab said. “You said hateful comments on social media about my family. About my man.”
Evans also denied saying anything to offend Diab but the host did not let up and provided receipts.
“Donald J. Trump unemployment rate is so low, even Colin Kaepernick found a job! ‘Merica!” Evans reportedly wrote. She also accused the former NFL quarterback of disrespecting the troops.
“Let’s choose the most disrespected guy in the for our promos,” she wrote in another post. “‘Lets add a slogan about sacrificing, everyone will love it. Let’s choose the man that kneels at our flag Opens a New Window.’ YOU’RE WRONG. I will not be buying Nike anymore… Nike should change their ‘motto’ immediately. Nike needs a new PR person pronto.”
Despite the screenshots, Evans continued to profess her innocence.
“I’ve never said that. I honestly have no idea who your boyfriend is,” she told Diab.
Diab wasn’t having it.
“He’s been on set. Please understand something,” she said. “My man used his platform to peacefully protest systemic oppression in our country, specifically police protection against black people. Men, women and children are dying wrongfully dying. People doing this are not being held accountable. I would have appreciated if you would have contacted me.”
Diab was calm and collected when she spoke to Evans but it didn’t matter. When Evans realized she wouldn’t be able to finesse Diab, she went full-on Becky.
She started to cry and stormed off the set.
“I’m done with this bulls**t,” she yelled. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to f**king come here. This is about my storyline and you want to bring up your issues. You got your show.”
Evans pulled off her microphone and the tantrum continued.
“I have too much f**king s**t going on,” she continued. “F**k everyone. Get me the f**k out of here. F**k all of you. I’m done.”
Drama seems to follow Evans everywhere she goes. She was recently fired from the show after her husband murdered the family dog, reports Radar Online.
Good riddance.