A Black Taco Bell manager was fired on June 8 after refusing to take off a face mask with "Black lives matter" written on it.

The manager, identified as Denzel Skinner, recorded himself on Facebook Live going back and forth with another manager at the fast-food restaurant in Youngstown, Ohio, WKBN reported.

Skinner, 29, opted to wear his Black Lives Matter mask instead of the surgical masks provided to the team. He said it was difficult to breathe with the surgical mask on, prompting him to wear his personal mask.

After a manager asked him to take the mask off, he refused and walked out of the door before being threatened with the loss of his job of eight years.

According to Skinner, Taco Bell has a policy requiring all employees to wear face masks, but the policy does not explicitly prohibit masks with messages on them.

"All it stated was [the mask] had to be clean," Skinner said.

In the Facebook Live, which comedian Elijah Daniel later reshared, Skinner explained why he refused to take the mask off.

"I'm not bringing politics in, this is what I stand for," he said during the clip.

"You don't get it," the woman said.

"You don't either because if you did this wouldn't be a problem," Skinner responded.

Taco Bell responded to the situation saying the company was disappointed by the incident.

"We believe Black Lives Matter. We were disappointed to learn about the incident that took place in Youngstown, OH," Taco Bell said in a statement to Newsweek. "We take this very seriously; we have been working closely with our franchisee that operates this location to address the issue."

In its statement, the company said an executive has apologized to Skinner and that it is working to "clarify our mask policy so this doesn't happen again."

Despite the fast-food chain's statement, Twitter swooped in to declare Taco Bell canceled, using the hashtag #RIPTacoBell.

On June 2, the company tweeted in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, which some people said was disappointing.

Skinner said he would not be asking for his job back and would not return if asked, WKBN reported. He said during his time at Taco Bell, he worked less than 30 hours a week and was ineligible for paid vacation time, so he will be spending this with family.