Spike LeeIn a year marked by global strife and domestic struggles, The International Press Academy (IPA) has unveiled the 20th Anniversary Satellite Award film and television nominees that reflect a complex world. IPA President Mirjana Van Blaricom said, "We have a great mix, touching all subjects and issues that are pertinent to today’s conflicts. Motion pictures, we know are important, but television is so powerful these days because it’s accessible to everyone." 

Special Achievement recipients include Spike Lee for the Humanitarian Award.

From the press release…


As the IPA’s 2015 Humanitarian Award recipient, Lee’s politically astute range of filmmaking encompasses shorts, documentaries and features, even music videos.. In recognizing Spike Lee, IPA adds his creative talents to past recipients such as Sebastian Junger, an award-winning journalist and filmmaker. Junger co-directed Academy Award-nominated documentary "Restrepo," followed it with "Korengal," and authored books such as "The Perfect Storm," "Fire" and "A Death in Belmont," and won an Emmy for his coverage of the Afghanistan war. Sebastian Junger co-directed "Restrepo" with journalist Tim Hetherington, also a previous Humanitarian Award winner. Hetherington was killed in April 2011, while covering the civil war in Libya in an international hot zone. Spike Lee’s gripping epic "Chi-Raq" also sheds light on gun-violence as an epidemic… This is just the latest chapter in the career of the writer-director, actor, producer, author and educator who has helped revolutionize Modern Black Cinema, known as Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee.


The Best Actor category includes Will Smith for "Concussion."

The International Press Academy’s 20th Annual Satellite Awards Anniversary celebration will be held on February 21, 2016 in Los Angeles, Calif. Satellite Award Motion Picture Nominations are derived from advance screenings, film festivals worldwide (i.e.; BAFTA,BerlinCannes, Sundance, Telluride, TIFF, Tribeca), as well as consideration screeners and/or sanctioned links as available. The Mary Pickford Award and New Media Nominations will be announced on Jan. 5, 2016 

See www.pressacademy.com for more information and a complete list of the 20th Anniversary Satellite Award nominees.