The streets have been buzzing with word of T.I. and Tiny's divorce for quite some time now. It's no secret that T.I. has cheated on Tiny because she's been very vocal about it and he has admitted to his wrong doings. However, admitting you were wrong is only the first step in mending any relationship, and even then, it doesn't mean things will go back to the way they were. Furthermore, admitting you were wrong doesn't get you a cookie, and it most definitely doesn't give you the right to project your wrongdoings onto your partner.
I guess T.I. didn't get the memo.
We get a little taste of that on the season finale of T.I. and Tiny's The Family Hustle. This season of the reality show has been following the couple as they navigate their relationship and where it's going from here. While they do ultimately split on the season finale, there's a scene from the episode that seems to be getting a lot of buzz. In the scene, T.I. and Tiny are at dinner discussing her decision to move out of the family home and get a place of her own. The reasoning was because T.I. had slept with a woman that she hired and introduced him to, and she rightfully decided to remove herself from the situation. Of course, T.I. decides he is not gonna go down by himself as the villain, therefore queue the accusations.
T.I. has had known discrepancies with boxer Floyd Mayweather, and Tiny has been in the middle of it. In the scene, T.I. accuses Tiny of sleeping with him because of a video of her dancing at a party with him. Now, whether or not anything did actually go down between them, we don't really know, but Tiny denies those allegations. However, you have to look at this clip and see T.I.'s response.
TI really think tiny is soft ????
— Prosecco Mami (@dkcmusic) May 29, 2017
I know that he didn't say that. The reactions on Twitter were the same as mine.
TI: You was out w/ somebody you know I'm at odds with
Tiny: You was fucking someone you met from me
TI: But was you at odds with her?
Me:— Khal Draghoe (@brownandbella) May 29, 2017
Not to mention he brought money into it.
"I spent millions on you, what are you saying?" -TI in response to her addressing him cheating with an employee she hired. #familyhustle— scarlett (@goldchampagne_) May 30, 2017
Also, adding a new angle to the narrative.
I hope y'all realize the dissolution of this marriage is SOLELY about TI being unable to manipulate and control Tiny anymore. #FamilyHustle
— simone ♌️ (@smbanz) May 30, 2017
And we're reminded of how Tiny held her man down to be met with disrespect.
Tiny helped T. I. setup a meeting with LA Reid to sign to Artista, and T. I. blew it by asking for too much money ????
— Violent Ken (@LeeTRBL) May 29, 2017
Shoutout to Tiny for keeping it cute, but my goodness. I definitely would have been shaking the table.