Here’s a trailer for the upcoming South African dramatic film A Million Colors, which will open the Hollywood Black Film Festival next Thursday, and is scheduled for release in early 2012.

The film, which was directed by Peter Bishai and stars Wandile Molebatsi (Machine Gun Preacher), Stelio Savante (Ugly Betty) and South African Idols co-winner Jason Hartman (Yes Idol is everywhere), was produced by the same production company that made Winnie with Jennifer Hudson.

The film is about “South Africa’s once most famous teen black movie star Muntu Ndebele (played by Molebatsi) who fell from grace after the early 1970’s blockbuster “e’Lollipop” (which was retitled in the U.S. Forever Young, Forever Free) made him the country’s most beloved childhood star. Forced into hiding after participating in the June 16, 1976 student uprising in Soweto, Muntu’s life spiraled downward into crime and despair. He is separated from the love of his life, becomes a fugitive, and struggles to survive apartheid. This film is an inspiring true story of danger, adventure, romance, betrayal and redemption set against the turbulent background of a nation in crisis.

Like I said it’s dramatic…