Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James
called out an unruly fan Monday night after she and her husband got into a verbal dispute with the player while not wearing their masks, according to ESPN. 

Juliana Carlos and her husband Chris were seen getting into a spat with James during the Monday night game between the Lakers and the Atlanta Hawks. The couple can be seen cursing at James before officials and security at State Farm Arena threw them out. Juliana later took to Instagram to hurl even more offensive language at James, and eventually, the NBA legend took to his own Twitter page to call her out. 

"I love the fans but I don't take that kind of talk from anybody. There is a line that should never be crossed. She came at me with blatant disrespect, so I told them to sit their ass down. I thought I was talking to a father and daughter until she started calling him husband. I was stunned," James said after the game.

The post racked up nearly half a million likes and the term "courtside Karen" began trending as fans clowned Juliana for her offensive language and vitriol toward James.

Despite the comical tweet, James actually defended Juliana and her husband later in his post-game interview.

"At the end of the day, I'm happy fans are back in the building. I miss that interaction. I need that interaction; we as players need that interaction. I don't feel like it was warranted to be kicked out," James told a reporter following the Lakers' win.

"They might have had a couple drinks, maybe. And they could have probably kept it going during the game, and the game wouldn't have been about the game no more, so I think the referees did what they had to do," James added.

His teammates and coaches were far less forgiving, slamming the couple and the arena for potentially exposing James and other players to COVID-19

"It certainly exposed something with regard to having fans in the pandemic. You obviously can't have fans taking their masks down and shouting at our players with the virus out there during these times," Lakers coach Frank Vogel said after the game, according to ESPN.

The Atlanta Hawks are one of nine teams to have fans in arenas this season in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"With COVID going on, we obviously can't have that. We want to make sure we all can be safe," Lakers star Anthony Davis added.

As fans began to research the couple, they found multiple profanity-laced videos of them after they had been thrown out.

Juliana's claimed her husband has had a longstanding issue with James.  

"So, I'm minding my own business, and Chris has been a Hawks fan forever. He's been watching the games for 10 years. Whatever, he has this issue with LeBron. I don't have an issue with LeBron. I don't give a f**k about LeBron," she says in the video.

"I'm minding my own business, drinking my [beverage], having fun. All of the sudden, LeBron says something to my husband, and I see this and I stand up. And I go, 'Don't f**king talk to my husband.' And he looks at me and he goes, 'Sit the f**k down, b***h' And I go, 'Don't f**king call me a b***h. You sit the f**k down. Get the f**k out of here. Don't f**king talk to my husband like that,'" the woman said in the video. 

Fans and news outlets began sharing video of Carlos screaming at James throughout the game. 

Some videos showed Juliana flipping off the officials and the arena security as they threw her, her husband and two other fans out of the game. 

Twitter naturally had fun with the moment. 

Black NBA players have long complained about white fans who feel fully comfortable yelling curses and slurs at them during games. In recent years, the NBA has sought to crack down on the practice and has banned fans from arenas in certain instances where "n****r" or other racially offensive language is used.

Hilariously, Lakers broadcaster Bill Macdonald compared the moment to the popular meme of a Real Housewives cast member shouting at a confused cat, setting off hours of memes replacing the cat's face with James. 

This isn't the first time that James has had to deal with hecklers recently. Last week, when playing in his hometown of Cleveland, a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers staff said something to him that he did not like, prompting him to unleash his fury on the court and dominate the rest of the game.