Almost exactly 2 years ago, I featured this feature-length drama/thriller titled Noah from Waltham, Massachusetts-based Identical Films, a production company founded by Anthony and James Deveney, and co-producer Andrew Johnson.
The film’s premise, which I found intriguing, has its story set in an alternate present-day America in which slavery was never abolished, and follows an escaped slave named Noah, as he tries to flee the country and reach a rumored freedom refuge in Canada.
At the time of that early 2012 post, the film was just completing post-production, and had been submitted it several film festivals that year.
Skip ahead to today, after some film festival circuit play, as the filmmakers have released the full film online for you all to watch for free. Although, as I’m told, viewers can “tip” the filmmakers via their website if you want to, after watching the film. Ultimately, their goal is to have audiences watch the film. That’s a key reason why we make them right? But if you do watch it, and you appreciate the effort, “tip” them via their website HERE.
Inspiration for the film came from their desire to make a film about slavery, but given how expensive a period piece would be (they work with low budgets, and shoot guerilla-style), they instead chose to set the story in the present-day, since it would be cheaper to make.
“We wanted the film to be seen as a parallel of our world in which discrimination is still so common. Also, this was a chance to show the horrors of our country’s history. Most important to us, was crafting a story that would stay with a viewer after leaving the theater,” Anthony shared 2 years ago.
This is their very first feature film, which was shot from July through to August of 2011, with the Canon 5D camera, and edited on a Macbook Pro.
They financed it mostly themselves with donations from friends and family.
The cast is comprised of more than 50 actors; the lead actor is Andy Jasmin, an MA native, currently living in LA pursuing acting.
While some of us lament what seems like a revived interest in so-called slavery-themed movies & TV shows by Hollywood, here’s one that takes a different approach to that particular narrative (I should ad that it was also made before most of the recent slave-themed films were conceived, including 2 of the highest profile – Django Unchained and 12 Years A Slave).
So take look. Add it to your weekend viewing. I haven’t watched it yet, so I can’t share any reactions. But I’ll check it out soon.