
So here is Episode 3 of the web series This My Show, with Tatyana Ali, Jameel Saleem and Bresha Webb.

As we previously stated on the post for Episode 2 the series, written and created by Saleem and Webb, makes fun of those Basketball Wives and Love and Hip Hop reality shows.

In the series, Webb plays an actress who decides to capitalize on the reality show craze by creating her own scripted show with her current roommate, played by Saleem. For Webb's characater, reality shows are the quickest and easiest way for a talented actress like herself to become recognized. 

Jameel on the other hand doesn't want anything to do with the show, but is forced by Webb to play her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, as all this is going on, Ali plays a reality show producer who comes on board to give Webb the push she needs to turn her fake ghetto persona into a hit reality star, as well as turn Jameel from nerd to thug

Episode 3