Here’s the third episode of a U.K. made dramatic web series we’ve been following, titled Redemptions End which premiered in April.
The 4-part series, which was created and executive
produced by Claudius Peters, and
written and directed by Daniel Rusteau, and stars James Wardell (Aiden), Claudius
Peters (Michael), Rowan Clift (Samuel), Daniel Ahmadi (Corey), Nathan
Jones (Tyrone) Belinda Fenty (Mia) and Gershwyn Eustache Jr (Dean), tells the grisly story about a group of
friends, desperate for money, who steal dead bodies to sell on the black
And, needless to say, things go very wrong. This
new episode takes “a closer look at
Samuels character and reveals a dark
twist for Mia”.
Go HERE to watch Episode One and HERE to watch Episode
Here is Episode Three: