One of several highlights from the 2012 New Voices In Black Cinema Festival earlier this year at BAMCinematek in Brooklyn, NY… titled From Fatherless To Fatherhood (which should immediately clue you into what the film's focus is), and directed by Kobie Brown.
The 75 min topical documentary film explores the causes, effects and possible solutions on the absence of fathers in households.
Within the film are several interviews as well as narratives of those whose fathers – whether absent or present – have impacted them in some significant way. The film also recognizes those men who, raised without fathers, are present in their own children's lives, thus breaking the pathological cycle once experienced by these very same men.
I spoke with director Kobie Brown about the film – an interview which is embedded in the video below. In it, he talks in depth about his motivations for making the film and what audiences can expect to get from the experience of watching it.
But before that, you'll find a newly-released 10-minute preview of the film, which is touring the film festival and film screening series circuit currently: