While you wait for that Black Panther movie that may or may never come to a theater near you, after all the years of jawing about it, check out this fan-made short based on the Marvel comic book superhero from Wakanda, titled "Storms of Carnage: The Black Panther Unleashed," written, directed, and edited by D.A. Jackson, starring Wester Joseph, Jeff Moise, Kieran McGrail, Stacston Carter, and D. Al’Deighmian Jackson.
Even Storm makes an appearance towards the end of it.
According to the filmmaker, the short was made with "only about $50 and a bag of trail mix," adding that, "we set out to make the best fan film we could imagine. ‘Storms of Carnage’ was the result. We hope you have as much fun watching it as we had making it. And keep an eye out for our upcoming behind the scenes!"
Overall, I appreciate the effort.
Thanks to Maya Glick (who’s currently completing her own fan-made movie based on Storm) for the heads-up: