Check out this visually-striking, award-winning South African short film titled “Bomlambo – Those of the Water,” from director Zwelesizwe Ntuli, which tells a story of a young Xhosa woman named Nobuntu, who has a prophetic dream. She finds a young boy named Siphelele, washed up on shore, and believes that he is a gift from the Abantu Bomlambo – which directly translated means, “the people of the river”, and who are essentially feared, respected and loved ancestral spirits, semi-deities that dwell in the water. Some believe that they take physical form, while others say they only visit in dreams, and others, that they are shape-shifting spirits.
Watch Visually-Striking South African Short Film 'Bomlambo - Those of the Water' (Short Shouts!)
The boy Nobuntu finds (Siphelele) is then put into a position in which he’s forced to fight for what is his new home, in order to feel some new sense of belonging.
The film stars Thembalethu Brian Mncube and Nomsa Makhubu.
It’s a lovely 24-minute short film which I appreciated; Something to get you moving on this hump day morning (cloudy and cool if you’re on the east coast).
Watch it below: