Shadow & Act recently reported on the August 10 release of the much-anticipated Spike Lee and Jordan Peele project, Black Klansman (sometimes styled Black KkKlansman). However, the release date wasn't actually the day's most exciting news about the film — that crown goes to the drama that unfolded on Twitter shortly after the date was announced.
Clayton Bigsby, another original David Chappelle idea borrowed— GrandMaster BushidoBlack™ (@Ski_ptical) April 12, 2018
Twitter user, @Ski_ptical was referencing the hilarious, classic sketch from Comedy Central's Chappelle's Show, in which a Frontline reporter launches an investigation on an infamous white supremacist leader who turns out to be black.

It’s based on a book, and it’s a true story.— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) April 12, 2018
Cool. Do you mind giving the book title? We can try get ahead of the story by the time the movie comes around.— GrandMaster BushidoBlack™ (@Ski_ptical) April 12, 2018
It’s called “Black Klansman” by Ron Stallworth.— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) April 12, 2018
Splendid. And thank you, most famous people wouldn't be this cool on Twitter.— GrandMaster BushidoBlack™ (@Ski_ptical) April 12, 2018
No doubt. I understand your position. You guys just didn’t have the full story yet✊????— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) April 12, 2018
Classy exchange! Another Twitter user, @soulfulmacabre, noted that the exchange could have ended with egg on @Ski_ptical's face due to Peele's prominence and his comedic chops.
Damn. You could have gotten roasted so hard just now. But @JordanPeele is such a good dude. Be thankful.— Red Beard the Bartender (@soulfulmacabre) April 12, 2018
A roasting from @JordanPeele probably would have done more good than harm to me. I'd have been roasted by a black Oscar winner, that's damn close to getting roasted by a unicorn— GrandMaster BushidoBlack™ (@Ski_ptical) April 12, 2018
Still, folks continued to try it (replying to @Ski_ptical's original tweet) and, well … Peele handled it in a way only Peele can. Clapback served with hilarity.
Man after Key and Peele borrowing heavily from Chappelle show kinda ballsy for Jordan to pull this ish again— GrandMaster BushidoBlack™ (@Ski_ptical) April 12, 2018
That’s what I’m saying. They gonna basically take his show then this? Idk bro— L➰➰min Kn➰tty (@Loomin_Knotty) April 12, 2018
Everything’s gonna be alright, fellas.— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) April 12, 2018
To actually borrow from Chappelle: Game … blouses.